
Armstr ng
plays Mozart 1»

Salle de Musique de Chambre
Kit Armstrong leaning against a wall next to a piano
©: Marco Borggreve

What you'll hear and see

The music

  • Wolfgang A. Mozart Streichquartett KV 421 Klavierkonzert N° 5 KV 175 Quintett für Klavier und Bläser KV 452 Klavierquartett KV 478

The artists

  • Céline Moinet oboe
  • Sebastian Manz clarinet
  • Sophie Dervaux bassoon
  • Milena Viotti French horn
  • Schumann Quartett
  • Erik Schumann violin
  • Ken Schumann violin
  • Veit Hertenstein viola
  • Mark Schumann cello
  • Quatuor Hermès
  • Omer Bouchez violin
  • Elise Liu violin
  • Lou Yung-Hsin Chang viola
  • Yan Levionnois cello
  • Andrej Bielow violin
  • Kit Armstrong piano


«The greatest composer known to me by person and repute».

This was how Joseph Haydn described Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Kit Armstrong leads a group of remarkable musicians in two events celebrating Mozart’s genius. Highlights of the intimate first concert include the sparkling Piano Quartet in G minor and the beautiful Quintet for Piano and Winds, one of the composer’s own favourites among his pieces.


  • Cat. I 45 €
  • Cat. II 35 €
Under 31? Save on ticket price with
Kulturpass welcome


  • Date Thursday 18.04.24
  • Time 19:30
  • Duration 101' including a break
  • Venue Salle de Musique de Chambre
  • Subscription Musique de chambre
How to get here

An Evening with Kit Armstrong: Between Organ & Piano

We take you back to Kit Armstrong's organ & piano recital concert at our Grand Auditorium! We had the chance to sit down with him to discuss about his preparation and approach with the Philharmonie's Schuke organ, the particularities of the organ as a composer's instrument, the repertoire as well as the intrinsic relationship between natural sciences and music! In addition to these enlightening insights, you may also relive some fantastic concert excerpts.