What you’ll hear and see
The music
- Nouvelles œuvres de Deniz Aslan, Yifan Guo, Connie Harris, Samuel D Loveless, Tomohiro Suzuki, Senay Ugurlu, Mees Vervuurt, Julia Waldeck
The artists
- United Instruments of Lucilin
- Sophie Deshayes flute
- Olivier Sliepen saxophone
- Winnie Cheng violin
- Danielle Hennicot viola
- Jean-Philippe Martignoni cello
- Pascal Meyer piano
- Guy Frisch percussion
- Galdric Subirana percussion
- Rémi Durupt conducting
Eight emerging composers, mentored during the Academy
by James Dillon and Milica DjordjeviÄ, present new works.
Production United Instruments of Lucilin